Freestyle Weaving for the Creative Spirit with Lisa Q Wirtz (Friday afternoon)
5 in stock
Weave your heart! Learn to weave freestyle and free-spirited on a simple, easy-to-use floor loom. Experiment with color, texture, and technique, and come away with a unique piece of woven art that reflects your creative spirit (yes, you do have one!). The class will emphasize individual exploration of color and texture in the service of personal expression; a few simple weaving techniques will be taught along the way. Students just need to bring their willingness to experiment and explore–and to practice imperfection! Students will take home what they weave.
Workshop fee: $60
Friday afternoon, 1 to 4 pm
Class size: one to ten students
$20 materials fee payable to instructor at beginning of class
No previous experience with weaving required (though experienced weavers are as welcome as complete novices). Freestyle weaving is intended to be accessible to everyone, no matter their level of skill or knowledge. Class open to students 12 years old and up; students must be tall enough to reach the floor pedals on the looms and able to focus for the duration of the class.
About your instructor:
Liza Q. Wirtz, better known as Q (aka the Chief Feline), runs multifaceted fiber-arts business The Foldout Cat from her home studio in Alabama with the frequent and welcome assistance of partners Fiber J and Maker J and the help of a fluctuating number of cats. Q teaches freestyle weaving, art-batt carding, and basic experiential spinning with the same philosophy that infuses her praxis: create from your heart, make what gives you joy, and put beauty into the world. She has taught, vended, or both at fiber events and workshops in multiple states, including Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
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